Maeva Fages

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Humanists & Yoga

« Humanists stand for the building of a more humane, just, compassionate, and democratic society using a pragmatic ethics based on human reason, experience, and reliable knowledge-an ethics that judges the consequences of human actions by the well-being of all life on Earth. » 🙏🌺
Here you go. My favorite word. My favorite notion: Humanist.
I am a Humanist before being a yoga teacher. Sometimes people name me as an activist. I love that word too but I always resonated with the humanistic notions. So spot on.
The path of Yoga is Liberation, physical, psychic and spiritual. Immense clarity on this I have.
Now, I would hate to break the news to some but drinking matcha on the beach, in bikinis and doing handstands are unlikely to bring a very strong impact on collective liberation. And do not get me wrong: i love all of this, even with a zest of champagne at times, bless me, privileged one that I am.
However, being a yogi means being radically honest. There are moments for self care, much needed ones, and there are moments we need to dedicate to the collective. It goes together.
Humanistic approaches are at the heart of any sharing, certainly mine, be at work, be in my yoga classes because we are all different and our circumstances are different.
The one size fits all approach is therefore not humanist and not inclusive.
If we are not including social justice, trauma, racism, etc. in our interests or teachings in yoga, we could potentially be part of the problem of toxic capitalistic supremacy we see in Yoga. And, we can do better. In fact, we must do better.
I was part of the problem for a long while and i am still probably but i am trying my best to have more inclusive practices with a focus on Ethics and freedom for everyone. I promise you: I am trying.
Bringing humanistic approaches bring you more into the world, including in the world of differences and that’s so beautiful even if confronting at times.
Good luck! I know, this is though to not bypass what we think we know or our habits, with potential pressure from peers or an industry that pays for our bills. I get that, i do. I am really with you my lovelies.
One step at the time, always.
We can feel alone in our personal deconstructions for a while until we don’t anymore. I am so blessed to have found my Humanist & Yoga Tribe. You know who you are. 😍
Let us continue sharing practices and contemplations which are grounded in the « real » world that most live, let us bring empathy to situations we do not live personally and try to have immense space to try to understand.
That’s the Yoga i want to study and share. Real, messy, tolerant, inclusive and radically honest…and really one word: Humanist.
And, That is my Yoga.
More on this in my Geneva teachings soon. 😘🌺
Love you tons. ✌️✌️