Movement (of Life) is always present in Stillness

Movement (of Life) is always present in Stillness…
S-acred 🌟
T-hankful 🍃
I-magination 🦚
L-oving 🐝
L-ife 🐬
“Even in stillness, there is movement. Sometimes it takes time for the molecules of change to shift form. Even when it feels like nothing is happening, transformation is taking place” once said a wise fairy. 🧚‍♀️
Movement is part of who we are. If mindful, we can feel the continuous movement while seating, resting, meditating, because Movement is simply the nature of Life.
That becomes a wonderful (yoga) practice of exploration then: Can I feel the Inner & Outer in movement while doing nothing?
Can I really be still in my stillness? Most likely not really, unless you are a supreme being (And I am sure you are!) or more likely you would be dead. Stillness in its human nature holds a life vibration or pulsation, forever present in each of us and in nature. We cannot fully “Still” something that is ALIVE as Life itself is a form of perpetual movement.
Everywhere where is a form of Life, there is movement even if this movement seems immensely invisible.
And that’s my forever passion in practicing (and teaching) yoga: to feel the movement of Life happening in me (without placing any label of what it is).
My practice shifted immensely the day I stopped trying to tame my movement to bring my focus & my being into a forced stillness which was hard as it was simply not in my inherent nature. And i believe not in the nature of anybody.
Instead, I now practice and feel when in a still position or situation, the movement in me happening, living in me as me.
No control, only allowing.
And this? Wow, “This” changed everything in me, and a less controlled door then opened which I like calling the immense vastness doorway. Argh, no need to control anything to get you anywhere, just breathe into what is Here, into a movement we call YOU.
#Stillness is movement. 🐞
#Movement in stillness 🦋
Movingly Still 🤍🍃🤍


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