«Meditation », heu?

What is «Meditation »? 🌺❤️🌺


« It’s important that meditation is not seen as something that only happens when you are seated in a quiet place. Otherwise spirituality and our daily life become two separate things. That’s the primary illusion—that there is something called “my spiritual life,” and something called “my daily life.” When we wake up to reality, we find they are all one thing. It’s all one seamless expression of spirit».


These words , by @adyashanti.ogs - with all my thanks for finding the right words for what I have always somehow perceived.


Similarly like seeing our Yoga practice beyond the mat, where everything in our daily life becomes a yoga practice.


Meditation is not about sitting in stillness in a lotus position. It can be, but it does not have to. It is as fluid as you.


Meditation is what we are, simple. In a space when the authentic self can BE, can be SEEN and FELT.


And Adyashanti continues reminding us to be « an open space for whatever arises. »


That’s it. Yes, a big YES.


No movement.

Wherever you are, However you are.

You are.


It is about the flow, the movement of Life being tasted through the lens of you. Anytime, anywhere, in any shape.


Meditation is « the space in which everything arises. And when everything is allowed to arise, you have the opportunity to perceive That which does not arise or subside. You Are That. » he concludes.


I immensely resonate with these words I have to say.


Please be free to drop the forms, the protocols, techniques (if they serve you, of course do keep them but if they don’t, please don’t contract thinking that there is something off with you and you are not « getting » it, please be always free to dissolve what you are suggested and explore).


There is no One way, a set protocol, a set formula, an equation for the revelation of the Self by the Self.


If there were set and magical formulas for all, then we would all be enlightened - but we are not, no?


What we have are amazing suggestions & invitations, but they remain only suggestions, never the Truth.


I tend to always remind my yoga students that they can dissolve anything I say or suggest, to explore their own things because really…I see myself more as a facilitator for a space where things can happen in each of us, than a « teacher ».


Everything that happened before you was made up by people who tried and explored. Always remember that.


We can be guided by others at times but please invite yourself to be carved by yourself too.


The Truth is always in what we feel.


To the dance, to your movement, to the space we open that is called MEDITATION, I bow.


In movement, with Life.

With you, together .


by my friend Axelle Pendeliau Tennant




The plan