


This word is one of my favorites in the English language. Buoyancy is such a beautiful concept: the power to float or rise in fluid, or the power of supporting a body (from inside out and from outside in) so that it floats upwards; relative lightness; or a lightness or resilience of spirit.


We come from Water.


We birth through Water.


We live mainly in Water.


If we think about it, between 70%-80% (average) of our beloved bodies are made of water, which waves and tides are experienced through our entire life.


Beyond maintaining us alive through the power of our fluids, water is changeable, has memory, electromagnetism and always on the move into some of mysterious (do I dare saying mystic?) Flow.


Our body fluids and planetary fluids respond probably to the same forces.


A body is water is buoyant. The very nature of the body is also buoyant, be in external water or in its own ones.

The textures and buoyancy we may find in external waters reside similarly within our bodies (divers know that quite well I think). And that deeply fascinates me.


I explore quite often this notion in my movement practices, connecting to the felt sense of feeling supported, agile, fluid and yet so light.


To get a feeling of why buoyancy is so precious, you could even pronounce the word out loud: buoyancy (ˈboiənsē). It’s almost like sensational onomatopoeia – when you say it, you feel it.


Imagine floating in water, when you can truly feel the sensation of buoyancy. It’s a return to our birth body, and this is a state that most of us strive to return to through our spiritual and physical practices. How more natural could this be?


We are essentially this beautiful essence, then life happens to us and hardening happens to us so we adapt in good and bad ways to different situations and different movement patterns.


And when we can return to this essence of who we are, this sense of true buoyancy, through movement, it allows us to embody a form of Truth and natural Ease that are unique to oneself, yet so universal.


To our floating hearts,

To our floatings bodies,

To the mystery of our fluid nature,

I bow.


You are Earth
