On Sound



Have you ever noticed how much sound can transcend and transport us through the channels of Time and Space?


Sound has immense power to connect us with others (beyond the words).


Sound holds a mysterious power to also awaken parts of ourselves we may have not fully listened to or simply have forgotten.


When we hear a song for example, we can be brought back to very tangible sensations and memories we may thought were long gone, right?


Sound has a power to wake us up if we think about it…literally every day with an alarm clock (we rarely wake up with any of our other main senses) but also symbolically.


Sound does hold an incredible vector to awaken the deepest parts of us…if we go along with the waves of the Sound, magic can happen, in the Ocean of emotions.


That’s probably why I love teaching with music and do enjoy preparing well thought & curated playlists as Music had allowed me to sense things, feel deeply, or access parts of (my)Self I would probably not have easily accessed to otherwise. When I open myself to be carried by the Sound, I open new pathways to (my)Self in so many ways.


I hear the sound more as support than something to listen to…A Sound to transport the Self in territories which the frantic mind would not easily allowed (at least for me) to explore, most often.


Sound as a meditation.


Sound as a transe towards the Self.


Sound, music, can carry, dissolve, awaken, transport, connect, heal and so much more.


Do you like Sound in your yoga classes?


With the Sound, I am opened to be carried away or to simply be carried. I can access the authentic parts I may have forgotten or I did not even know existed.


Sound as the pathway towards the truth of emotions.


Sound as a space holder.


In Sound I trust, so immensely, in its very nature: the language beyond the words.


In the Sound rests an infinite mystery.


With your Sound and Mine, we connect in that Mystery.


With Love.


Microcosm & Macrocosm


You are Earth