Good at Yoga?

Good at Yoga? 🤔
I have not written any blog in a while as time & brain space to write beyond the spheres of my frontal lobe, have been missing lately, as pulled in many directions, and often lately, away from any yoga mat, but contemplations continue, and that is the actual practice. Yoga beyond the mat.
This time, I borrow lines I love & deeply resonate with…in my quest to live my yoga (and liberated) practice in an embodied & authentic way in each second of my life, I recognise the words below I would have loved to write myself…
So what is Yoga?
These words, below. 🧡
« How do we measure a person’s yoga practice? What does ‘being good at yoga’ even mean?

What if it’s not how long they hold a handstand...
Or how deep their forward bend is...
Or if they can balance on one arm...
Or if they can power through 108 sun salutations without breaking a sweat...
Or how tight their ‘yoga body’ is...
Or if they can sit on their bum doing nothing for hours at a time...
Or if they can see pretty blue flashing lights above their crown....
Not even if they can manufacture bliss-states from time to time.

What if a person’s yoga practice was measured in how good a listener they become...
In a lessening of reactivity to other people’s bullshit...
In their ability to see the best in others and love it... even the most annoying people...
In their kindness...
In their capacity for sincerity...
In their naturally reduced need for stimulating pleasures that were adopted to compensate for the eclipsed pleasures of breath and being...
In their ability to say things clearly without fear of what people will think...
In their perspective on the world.

If this stuff isn’t developing naturally — not as a fake performance — then it could be that our yoga isn’t actually yoga. Awkward.

Real yoga is about clarity of mind and perception, by linking the dissociative and solipsistic brain back up with the whole body, which is already nature, the power of life.

And it does matter, not just as pedantry, because we urgently need more love and less reactivity, and more clarity and less consumerism. »

~Rosalind Atkinson
There is nothing else to add, right?
Lovingly 🤍🕊


On Intimacy


Microcosm & Macrocosm