Social media, we like?

On social media 👨🏽‍💻👩‍💻


I need help. I need help to think through the circus of social media. 🤔


What is your relationship with it?


There are days when I find this tool as the greatest because of its “connection” & “connectivity” nature. And, there are days I simply hate it, viscerally.


I dance in that polarity, which i well know is pretty much everything that is about Life. There is never one answer, or rarely (and by the way, that’s why I hate “preaching” or les “vérités toutes faites” as we say in French)…So I ponder and everyday I reach a different conclusion. 🤷‍♀️


Maybe some of you have figured it out? I know friends boycotting these networks, and some clearly addicted to them 😜….and I wonder it there is a middle way into this?


It does feel that one needs to be in social media game…if you want to build communities or talk about your events for example….and really, i like that aspect. I discovered so many things, people, ideas or events through social media. And I connect with so many friends I love. Such a wealth of precious information and connector. 🩷


I like it until i reach overdose of what i call “social media porn”, and sadly, it can be so addictive. Argh. 🤯

How much more can one displays on here? What is the limit, how can we “elevate” a bit the contents presented so that it does not become a narcissistic platform or “étalage” and a celebration of “un vide abyssal”…🤷‍♀️


I can get bored at what i see at times. I get bored at seeing again and again life affirmations, yoga poses, or whatever…my algorithm is teasing and triggering me for sure 😂.

Ironically, I also get bored at what i post. So much! I am not too proud of myself. And then, i think that silence would actually be the ultimate sign of elegance.


Honestly i am struggling in that dance. I love it as much I can hate it. I need it as much as I do not.


Do you also feel the same at times?


Do you think we could collectively try to make these platforms sharper, humbling and intellectually stimulating? Less blabla, more focus.


Thanks for sharing your perspectives. Would love to contemplate with you. I need to learn. 🙏

Lovingly, 🩵Maeva


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